You provide the garment, we print it, It's that easy!

Supreme Pro Hot Peel.

or drag & drop file here
Your File
Number of Ink Colors:
Front side

Packing Slip Upload (optional)

This is for companies that would like to use there own branded or style packing slips

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Your File
remove file
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Your File
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Ships within 48 hours or less.


Great color, Soft Hand feel, Fast production transfer, 
FOR USE ON: 100% cotton, 100% polyester, cotton/poly blends, triblends, & canvas & more!
Color mode: RGB/CMYK. 
285 degrees, press for 12 seconds, peel immediately, postpress for 3 seconds
(Some presses may require adjustment to this formula)
**We do not guarantee colors or Pantone matching. This process is printed with digital printers which, “process print” the transfers, so colors can vary. No refunds or credits will be given due to any colors that may be considered undesirable or mismatched from what you may have seen on screen.
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